
ò Random Seed  Bar ò

randombar.gif (927 bytes)

The main generator of a random sequences. All graphic primitives of
"Generate" group depend on this parameter.

ò Control Bars ò

allbars.gif (3657 bytes)

Depending on the selected command in "Commands" window these bar's
accept various functions.

ò Fixed Colors ò

fixed.gif (293 bytes)

Choice of random or defined (fixed) color from the graphic palette of 16M
colors for a command. For beginners it is recommended to hold this check
box switched off.

ò Method ò

mode.gif (380 bytes)

The method of overlay an image of the current command on already created image. It is similar "Layers" in graphic editors.

ò Add add the command's image to the main image
ò Middle average the main image with the command's image
ò Subtract subtract the command's image from the main image
ò Multiply the image of the command is multiplied on the main image
ò Lighten the point with the greater brightness gets out
ò Darken the point with smaller brightness gets out
ò Shade shade the main image concerning on the command's image
ò Xor logical operator xor
ò And logical operator and
ò Or logical operator or

remark:  the main image -> the  image what is placed in the image view area.

ò XY Offsets ò

xyoffset.gif (1117 bytes)

Sets displacement (in pixels) on X and Y axes. Works only in "Generate"
group and also in "Connect Buffer" command (Buffer group). This very
useful function is necessary for thin(final) adjustment of an image.

ò Transparency ò

transparency.gif (798 bytes)

Sets a transparency in percentage for the command.